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Synonyms and near synonyms in Quran

This website is an attempt to help people with limited knowledge of Arabic to appreciate the beauty of Quranic language, through a study of synonyms and near synonyms in Quran.

For example, most translations of the Quran in English use the word "fear" to translate a broad spectrum of words in Arabic like

خَشْيَة - وَجل - حَذَر - خَوف - وجس - تقوى - رهب

But in Arabic there are subtle differences in meaning in all of these words.

In the muqaddamah (foreword) of his famous work Imam Raghib says:

If Allah wills this life to continue, I intend to produce another comprehensive book after this one (meaning mufradaat-al-Quran) in which the mutaraadifaat (near synonyms) will be researched along with the differences between them with great clarity. By means of this study, we will be in a better position to understand the wisdom in the usage of different words or statements dealing with the same subject.

For instance consider the use of the word قلب as opposed to فؤاد as opposed to صدر. Similarly we will explore why in dealing with the same narrative Allah will end by saying إن في ذلك لآيات لقوم يؤمنون (16:79) while in another place in the Quran He will use لقوم يتفكرون (30:21) and also لقوم يفقهون (30:24) .

What is the subtle beauty buried in these words? Similarly, لأولي الأبصار vs. لذي حجر vs. لأولي النهى etc. that have been used across the Quran and many have interpreted them to mean essentially the same thing. A lack of this attention to detail justifies the interpretation of الحمد لله as الشكر لله and of لا ريب as لا شك to be adequate an tafsir that has done justice to these Qur’anic expressions.

Unfortunately, either Imam Raghib never got a chance to write this book or it has been lost during the years that separate us from his time.

Why this website?

There are many books in Arabic dealing with the subject of synonyms and near synonyms in Quran. Many interesting observations and discussions on this subject can also be found in the books of tafaseer. Unfortunately, those who are still students of Arabic language and/or unable to understand the language completely cannot benefit from those books.

Many may argue that without understanding Arabic language there is little point in discussing sciences such as synonymy. My experience as a student of Quran and Arabic language, however, tells me that having access to resources that make these sciences approachable to students of the language can result in strengthening our connection to Quran and increasing our understanding of the language itself.

With this idea in mind, my goal is to collect information on different sysnonyms and/or near synonyms used in Quran, and discuss the subtle differences in their meaning, which are usually lost in translation. However, I am merely a connoisseur of knowledge and everything on this website will be taken from authentic books on this topic.

This is an ongoing work and an undertaking which I don't feel equal to. But I am starting this massive project with the name of Allah and putting my trust in His help. And with many encouragements from my dear daughter Aaisha Muhammad who has not only encouraged me to start this mammoth task but also enthusiastically agreed to help me.

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